1월, 2023의 게시물 표시

"3" Ideal Family relationship

   An ideal family relationship between parents and children is one in which there is mutual respect, open communication, and a strong sense of love and support. In such a relationship, parents serve as role models for their children, providing guidance and support as the children navigate the challenges of growing up. One key aspect of an ideal family relationship is open communication. Parents and children should feel comfortable discussing their thoughts and feelings with one another. This allows for the resolution of conflicts and the building of trust and understanding. In addition, open communication allows parents to stay informed about their children's lives, including their interests, friendships, and concerns. When I was young, I liked to talk about my school life or friendship with my parents. But at some point, my parents didn't understand me very well and stopped talking about my daily life. When I was so distant from my parents, I no longer felt that my home was

"2" What is Theory?/Family as a system

What is a theory? The theory is an attempt to explain. So whenever we have a question and figure it out, we use the theory. There are some theories. -Exchange theory what can we can through the relationship? We invest time in the connection. We can get emotional support, have fun, have a sense of belonging, and so on.  -Symbolic theory Our interaction is the big outcome. Every action is not practical. It just has meaning to draw a conclusion. -Family system We need to understand how each part of the family interacts together. The important things are role in the family, rules, and positive feedback.  So, what is a Family system? Family=System Is that make sense? The family is a fundamental social unit that plays a crucial role in the development and well-being of individuals. It is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption and who share a common bond and responsibility for each other. The family system refers to the way in which the family function as a whole an


    Family science research is a field of study that examines the dynamics and functioning of families. This research can provide valuable insights into how families interact, how they influence one another, and how they respond to different stressors and challenges.      One of the main values of family science research is that it can help improve our understanding of how families function. By studying families in different contexts and under different conditions, researchers can identify patterns and trends that can inform our understanding of how families operate. This knowledge can then be used to develop interventions and programs to support families and improve their well-being.      Another value of family science research is that it can help to identify risk factors that can negatively impact families. This can include factors such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education. By identifying these risk factors, researchers can develop interventions and programs to mitigate t