"2" What is Theory?/Family as a system

What is a theory?

The theory is an attempt to explain. So whenever we have a question and figure it out, we use the theory.

There are some theories.

-Exchange theory

what can we can through the relationship? We invest time in the connection. We can get emotional support, have fun, have a sense of belonging, and so on. 

-Symbolic theory

Our interaction is the big outcome. Every action is not practical. It just has meaning to draw a conclusion.

-Family system

We need to understand how each part of the family interacts together. The important things are role in the family, rules, and positive feedback. 

So, what is a Family system? Family=System Is that make sense?

The family is a fundamental social unit that plays a crucial role in the development and well-being of individuals. It is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption and who share a common bond and responsibility for each other. The family system refers to the way in which the family function as a whole and the roles that each member plays within it.

One of the key roles within the family system is that of the parent. Parents are responsible for the physical and emotional well-being of their children, as well as their education and socialization. They provide love, guidance, and discipline to help their children develop into responsible adults. The mother and father often have different but complementary roles, with the mother often taking on a more nurturing and emotional role and the father taking on a more disciplinary and financial role.

Another important role within the family system is that of the child. Children are dependent on their parents for survival and rely on them for love, guidance, and support. As they grow and develop, children learn from their parents and take on responsibilities within the family. They are expected to be obedient and respectful to their parents and to contribute to the family in ways that are appropriate for their age and abilities. 

The role of the siblings within the family system is also important. Brothers and sisters provide companionship, support, and a sense of belonging to each other. They learn to share and cooperate with one another and often play a significant role in each other's development. Siblings can also be a source of conflict and competition within the family.

Then, what is my role in the family? I'm the oldest child in my family. I usually care about my family's entertainment and care about my 2 younger brothers. Before I came here, my family did Family Home Evening once a week, and we had a family council once a month. Every time, there's someone needed who brings the fun stuff to avoid the boring situation. I usually bring a fun topic, and a small gift, and sometimes we did board games and make food. I like to think of new ideas and it gives fun to my family too. Also, I took care of my brothers. Taking care of them means I heard their worries or problems and found a way to solve and I hung out with them a lot. We kind of have similar hobbies. So we usually play piano together, driving, eat outside, playing video games together. All kinds of things we did brought happiness us and it makes our life more lively and bright. Also, we always can feel the preciousness of family. Even though we fight, those memories bring us mercy and love.

Finally, the role of the grandparents within the family system is also significant. Grandparents often provide love, support, and a sense of history and tradition for the family. They can serve as role models and offer a different perspective on life. They also have an important role in passing down family history and cultural traditions.

In conclusion, the family system is complex and multifaceted, and each member plays an important role in its functioning. The roles of parents, children, siblings, and grandparents are all crucial to the well-being of the family and the development of it members.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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